2nd Grade Figurative Language Worksheets

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2nd Grade Figurative Language Worksheets. Writers often use various forms of figurative language to make a writing piece have a much greater impact on the audience it was written for. Includes figurative language examples & definitions too!

15 Best Images of Figurative Language Worksheets 2nd Grade ...
15 Best Images of Figurative Language Worksheets 2nd Grade ... (Hattie Alexander)
Our collection of figurative language worksheets teach: similes, metaphors, personification, onomatopoeia, hyperbole, alliteration and more. Figurative language is everywhere, from classical works by Shakespeare and the Bible to everyday speech. I have not actually taught all of the skills when we do each page, but it does introduce the concepts to the kids.

Figurative language is everywhere, from classical works by Shakespeare and the Bible to everyday speech.

I chose a writer who matched my writing style and fulfilled every requirement I proposed.

Firgurative Language Worksheet | Edgar Allen Poe's "The Bells"

29 best images about Figurative Language on Pinterest ...

Figurative and Literal Language Worksheet | Figurative ...

Figurative Language Practice Worksheet | Mr & Mrs ...

Figurative Language Worksheets | Hyperbole Worksheets

Ready, Print, GO! {Halloween Edition | Figurative language ...

Figurative language worksheet 1

Figurative Language Worksheets | Onomatopoeia Worksheets

Figurative Language Worksheet 9 | Answers

Sign up for an affordable Premium Grade-level teachers include similes, metaphors, personification, idioms, and hyperbole in their lesson plans. Our collection of figurative language worksheets teach: similes, metaphors, personification, onomatopoeia, hyperbole, alliteration and more. Includes figurative language examples & definitions too!